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Digital smart hub
Digital Smart Hub was created to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and
eliminate bureaucracy. Time cannot be stopped, but what we can do
with it can be controlled.Because technology is a blessing, not a curse
Digital Smart Hub allows you to pay your electrical bills and instantly
receive your receipt. Accurate daily, weekly and monthly consumption
can be monitored right off you smart phone and lap top screens, anywhere, anytime?

National Democratic Institute
International Organization
NDI and its local partners work to promote openness and
accountability in government by building political and civic organizations
, safeguarding elections and promoting citizen participation.
The Institute brings together individuals and groups to share ideas,
knowledge, experiences and expertise that can be adapted to the
needs of individual countries.

Waste management company
VerdeTech is the first full-service recycling and the only licensed institution by the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon working on e-waste management. It seeks to raise awareness on the urgency of acting to limit electronic waste, and offers solutions.With Live Love Recycle App, Recycling is Easy, Fast, and FREE !
Sort your waste at home in 2 bags 2 per month. One for recyclables and one for waste. Then request one of our electric bike drivers. He'll be be there to pick up your recyclables in less than 30 minutes.

انطلقت حملة "كمشتك" عبر تسليط الضوء على مخالفات السير، لاسيما تلك التي تتعلق بطريقة ركن السيارات العشوائية في بيروت وسا ئر المدن المكتظة بالسيارات. هذه المخالفات التي تعيق حركة السير تتخطى مسألة احترام قانون السير الى انتهاك حقوق الاخرين ان كانو سائقي سيارات نظاميين ام مشاة اوذوي احتياجات خاصة اللذين يعانون نتيجةً لممارسات مواطنين اخرين دون ان يكون لهم اي ذنب وكما لا تنفعهم الغرامة التي قد تفرضها قوى الامن او الشرطة البلدية على المخالفين.

Lebanese Transparency Association
Local organization
LTA's mission is to curb corruption in its various forms, and at
different levels of society and state. LTA seeks to promote
principles of transparency and accountability, establish the rule of
law, and strengthen the respect of basic rights as declared in
international charters and the Lebanese Constitution
Daleel Madani
Daleel Madani is dedicated to promoting accessible information about civil society, in a belief in the right to information and in the importance of transparent civil society work. In addition, it aims to strengthen civil society cooperation, thus limiting duplication of work, and enhancing the sector in Lebanon.