النفط و الغاز بلبنان: نعمة أو نقمة؟
Time to learn more about the reality of Oil and Gas in Lebanon and find out together whether it is a curse or a blessing.
Time & Location
Dec 07, 2019, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Riwaq Beirut, Assad Rustom, Bayrut, Lebanon
Time to learn more about the reality of Oil and Gas in Lebanon and find out together whether it is a curse or a blessing.
[INFO about the Session] During the Session we will be covering the following questions: A-What to expect regarding the sector? B-What are the phases/ cycle of oil and Gas ? C-What are the types of operating companies? D-How do we keep the sector transparent and resilient to corruption? E-What could and should be done with the revenues? F-What is our role as citizens and how are we affected?
[INFO about the Speaker] Julien Courson is currently the executive director of the Lebanese Transparency Association and previously of ALEF( Association Libanaise pour l'Education et la Formation). Prior to joining LTA, he worked as a consultant, researcher and trainer in Capacity development, Advocacy, Conflict Resolution and Governance. He has consulted throughout his career with numerous local and international organizations in diverse areas. He was also a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at Saint-Joseph university. His recent publications focus on the governance of the Oil and Gas sector in Lebanon.
[Further Details ]
-This event is Free of Charge. -Please confirm your presence by DM or by sending an Email to: yac.lebanon@gmail.com -We will be starting at 5:00PM sharp so try to make it on time!!