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Are you fed up with all your friends leaving the country? Are you considering leaving too? Join us on the 22nd of February and let us talk and share experiences.
Time & Location
Feb 22, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Black Coffee, Antelias, Lebanon
Are you fed up with all your friends leaving the country? Are you considering leaving too? Join us on the 22nd of February and let us talk and share experiences.
[INFO about the Session] A- Brain Time: Facts and Numbers about Lebanese youth,unemployment and Brain drain B- Heart Time: Talk with Mrs Samar Dani, Executive director of INJAZ Lebanon C -Open discussion
[Further Details ] -This event is Free of Charge. -Please confirm your presence by DM or by sending an Email to: yac.lebanon@gmail.com -We will be starting at 6:00PM sharp so please make it on time!!